Quincy Jones Rejects Kanye West Comparison

In an interview with Us Magazine legendary producer Quincy Jones was not happy to hear a Kanye West comparison they made. The interviewer asked Quincy Jones, “Kanye West is similar to you in that he’s the producer everybody wants to work with in the last decade..”

“How man? No way. Did he write for a symphony orchestra? Does he write for a jazz orchestra? Come on, man. He’s just a rapper. There’s no comparison. I’m not putting him down or making a judgement or anything, but we come from two different sides of the planet. I spent 28 years learning my first skill. I don’t rap. It’s not the same thing. A producer has to have some sort of skills that enable him to be a producer. It’s totally different to know what to do with 16 woodwinds you know from piccolos down to bass clarinet. It’s a whole different mindset. No comparison. None.”

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