Eminem Back In The Studio With Dr. Dre

Em called into his Shade45 radio station yesterday and told “The Morning After” host Angela Yee that he’s back in the studio with Dre; but that’s about all he said. Em was extremely vague, only saying, “I’m in the studio with Dre now, let’s just say that. Pretty soon he’s going to make a beat and I might rap on it.

It’s unclear whether Em is working on a new project or if the recording will be for Dre’s long awaited Detox album, but given the fact that Em said he plans to take a break after the success of Recovery and his tour with Jay-Z, we can assume it’s probably going to be a track on Dre’s album.

Detox has been delayed over and over again. It was originally planned for a 2004 release, but Dre put it on hold to focus on producing. It was then believed to have been finished in 2008 and slated for a late 2008 release. In 2009, Eminem told 106 & Park that Dre had about ten tracks done. It is also rumored that Dre has recorded over 400 songs from which he will assemble the album. Dre finally confirmed that the album will be released in 2010 sometime around Christmas and it will be his final album.

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